General Information

Flowers Ortiz Trucking Inc

Address 1211 SAN DARIO AVENUE 2256
LAREDO, TX 78040
United States
Phone (956) 282-1102
OIC state TX
Dot number 3000982
Carrier operation interstate
MCS-150 form date 2017-04-25
Number of power units 2
Number of drivers 8
Last updated Jun 2017
Flowers Ortiz Trucking Inc is a motor carrier overseen by the Texas FMCSA. Their physical address is 1211 San Dario Avenue 2256 , Laredo, TX 78040 US. The mailing address is 1211 San Dario Avenue 2256 , Laredo, TX 78040 US. You can contact them by calling (956) 282-1102 or by using email - The company operates 2 power units. They provide employment for 8 drivers. They became a part of the Motor Carrier Management Information System index on Tuesday 25th April 2017 and their US Department of Transportation number is 3000982. Flowers Ortiz Trucking Inc has classified their type of operation as "interstate".