General Information

Ernesto G Argueta Rivera

Address 8345 RIDGELY OAK RD
United States
Phone (443) 791-6937
OIC state MD
Dot number 2876198
Carrier operation interstate
MCS-150 form date 2016-04-11
Number of power units 2
Number of drivers 4
Last updated Jun 2017
Ernesto G Argueta Rivera is a motor carrier overseen by the Maryland FMCSA. The company physical address is 8345 Ridgely Oak Rd , Parkville, MD 21234 US. Their mailing address is 8345 Ridgely Oak Rd , Parkville, MD 21234-5015 US. You can reach them by calling (443) 791-6937 or by using email - The company utilizes 2 power units. They also provide employment for a total of 4 drivers. They became a part of the Motor Carrier Management Information System database on Monday 11th April 2016 and their USDOT number is 2876198. Ernesto G Argueta Rivera has classified their type of operation as "interstate".