General Information

Chi Health At Home

Address 815 Southeast Second Street
Little Falls, MN 56345
United States
Phone 3206315575
State Minnesota
Number of employees 4.5
Number of volunteers 2
Accreditation type JC
Provider category Hospice
CMS Certification Number 241542
CMS regional office Chicago
Medicare/Medicaid programs eligible
Participation date August 19, 1994
Ownership type Voluntary Non-Profit - Church
Facility type Hospital
Last updated Aug 2017
Chi Health At Home is a hospice (to be more precise, a hospital) situated at 815 Southeast Second Street, Little Falls, MN. Their CMS certification number is 241542. You can get in touch with them at 3206315575. The hospice is eligible to be a part of the Medicare and/or Medicaid programs (initially accepted on 1994-08-19).

Aiming to properly address the needs of terminally ill patients, this hospice employs a full-time equivalent of 4.5 employees and 2 volunteers (full-time equivalent too). Among them, palliative services are provided by a full-time equivalent of 0.25 physicians, 2 registered nurses, 2 registered volunteer nurses. Apart from that, 0.5 aides are employed.

The hospice provides 11 services, like: counseling (supplied by staff), home health aide (supplied by staff), homemaker services (supplied by staff), medical social services (supplied by staff).

Other hospices in the area include: Horizon Health Hospice (12.78 miles away), Long Prairie Memorial Hospice (23.33 miles away), Albany Area Hospice (24.72 miles away), St Josephs Home Care & Hospice (26.45 miles away).
Service Provided By staff Under arrangement
  Home Health Aide  
  Homemaker Services  
  Medical Social Services  
  Nursing Services  
  Occupational Therapy  
  Physical Therapy  
  Short Term Inpatient Care  
  Speech Pathology Services  
  Medical Supply  
  Physician Services